Jun 1Liked by Abigail Cerquitella

We share very similar preferences when it comes to a lighter fantasy. I wish I could be a lover of high fantasy and needing a companion guide just for understanding what I’m reading, but it always leads to overwhelm and boredom, so it’s nice to hear I’m not the only one!

I read Name of the Wind for the first time last year and, upon hearing that the third would perhaps never be released, I didn’t start the second. One thing that was surprising to me is that I never really felt like there was much of a climax to the story? I expected one bigger conflict and resolution, but felt instead it was a lot of smaller ones (the ending one being only slightly larger). Aside from that, the storytelling is incredible. One day I’ll give the second one a try, but I require closure in my life and prefer to leave people before they can hurt me if they can’t provide it hahaha

Since Echo came out, I have been on a big Native American history/lore kick, so Trail of Lightning sounds amazing. I too am a sucker for any book with “Library” in it and am starting to be more ok with fantasy set in modern times/technology, mainly because I hate a miscommunication/unable to communicate trope and phones really fix that.

The sunball footnote 💀 I agree, but what would Ithan’s personality be if sunball didn’t exist?? I still loved the first CC book though. Second and third are meh, but the first was a fun murder mystery set in adult zootopia, and the end made me cry.

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i hear you about no real big climax for Name of the Wind, because its all this sort of flashback. Which is why the third must be such a monumental task because its gotta have the big things for the flashback story and present day. at least i hope it does...

hehe ;) I too mostly enjoyed the first CC! I thought it too long and unwieldy but was still engaged and with it. It lost me in second book so I didn't even bother with third.

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